Space Cat Academy

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Why Does My Cat Show Their Belly?


A cat showing its belly is often a very confusing behavior for cat guardians. They could be either rolling onto their back or rolling to expose their belly, and while those two behaviors look identical the reason for them is different. If your cat is rolling onto their back they could be trying to itch their back. Some cats enjoy scratching their backs, this is often seen in cats who stop on the concrete sidewalk to wiggle on their back for a good scratch.

On the other hand, a cat’s belly is one of its most vulnerable spots, and therefore the most guarded. As such they only show it when they feel safe and comfortable! So, when your cat rolls over to expose their fluffy stomach that means that they trust you quite a bit.

However, there are two reasons, or moods, determining why your cat is showing their belly. The first one is when they are excited and when they want to play. This is often paired with erratic tail movements. They will also show their belly when they are completely relaxed. In this mood, their tail is most often still and they are laying with their eyes closed.

What to Do

In all of these cases when they show their belly it is not an invitation to pet them! By showing you their belly they are almost always trusting you to not touch it! Some cats are relaxed enough to allow you to touch and pet their stomachs but most do not enjoy it and others will take that as an invitation to latch on with their claws. So next time you see your feline friend roll over to expose their fluffy underside avoid their belly and give them a scratch on the head instead.